Top 10 foods to burn belly fat

Saba Qureshi
6 min readJan 22, 2021

Are you worried that your jeans don’t fit in or your belly pooch makes your sleek slim top more like a muffin top? And at some point, it rips your self-esteem as you don’t look good overall or you are concerned about your health issues but no matter what, you think this battle of fat will never leave you alone.

So either of those you are dealing with, you need to know that the first step in to end this war of potatoes around your body is to look at your diet. Because what you give to your gut is the result that appears on your body. And the result can be either beer belly or flat belly. So to beat down the beer belly you know the healthy diet is the answer to it.

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And what is the healthy diet for belly fat to cut down? For that, the simple formula starts with “eat low carbs and fats and more protein and soluble fiber.”

Here is a list of the top 10 foods that will help you to get rid of belly fat. Let’s start


Eggs are a great source of protein. Start your day with a healthy breakfast by adding up two eggs in any form i.e. scrambled, boiled, or fried ones. The yolk part of eggs contains half of the protein that helps in fat-burning choline. It is a great energy source that will not only fill your tummy up and please you but helps in burning stubborn abdominal fat.

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Fatty fishes that are high in omega-3 fatty acids like salmon, helps in losing weight. Salmon contains healthy nutrients like protein and vitamins like A and D. Consumption of salmon fillet, not only aid in burning fats and building muscles but also keep many health issues at bay such as heart diseases or reduction of inflammation in the whole body.

To get better results, seared fish fillet in lemon, unsalted-butter, and garlic sauce.

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Fishes like tuna; mackerel, herring, sardines, and Pacific cord are all great sources of omega-3 fatty acids and they are good to add up to your weight loss diet plan.


Fruits like strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, or blackberry are high in fiber and antioxidants. Eating up berries in your daily diet will help flatten your stomach. Researchers found that fruits that are high in antioxidants improve sugar and insulin levels and lower cholesterol levels. Those are all the good signs of reducing unwanted belly fat.

Try out berries in your morning breakfast as a topping on cereals or make a delicious smoothie of berries. Also, you can eat a bowl of berries as a healthy snack to keep your hunger satisfied and full.

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Citrus Fruits

Another great source of shedding some extra pounds of fats is the consumption of citrus fruits. Citrus fruits help not only for weight loss but also these fruits help in boosting your metabolism and immune system.

Try them as a fruit salad in your snack time. But better not to add sweetener flavors as dressing on top of it.

For dressing salads press the juice out of oranges or lime on them and enjoy the delicious and raw flavors of these salads in your daily diet.

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Green Leafy Vegetables

We heard everywhere that the mighty weight loss tool is the intake of green leafy vegetables for a healthy diet. They are an excellent source of fiber-rich foods that not only fight to cut your belly pooch but also helps better in digesting, controlling blood sugar levels, lowering calories, and cutting down bad carbs.

So yes, no matter how much you crave a slice of meat but if you are serious enough to look slim in your jeans or want to walk confidently without hiding that pooch better get started on eating lots of green vegetables.

Green leafy veggies like spinach, kale, broccoli, collard greens, iceberg, and mustard green is a great start for your main meal on lunch. Apart from leafy veg, peas and cucumbers are also the main fighters to combat weight loss.

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Pulses are also next in line the great source of weight loss. Beans and legumes are high in protein and fiber, low in calories and fats. Chickpeas, kidney beans, and lentils are all protein-rich foods. With the touch of the right seasoning and spices, you can enjoy the flavor buds without worrying about weight gain.

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Nuts and seeds are also great sources of food that are rich in protein, fiber, and healthy fats to cut down belly fat. Nuts like almonds, pistachios, peanuts, cashew nuts are a perfect munch to add to your snack time.

Also, flaxseed is a great hype among diet conscious people. And why not? It is stuff with protein, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids to keep your weight in balance. Moreover, vegetarian people have a great opportunity to intake protein from nuts and seeds. So these plant-based proteins can help both veg and non-veg to gain healthy nutrition.

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Yes you can eat bread too. But not the white one. The intake of unrefined whole grain bread is considered the healthiest one. They are high in fiber and contain other essential vitamins, which keep your obesity at bay and provide health benefits more often. Start your morning with healthy nutritious bread that is made up of less-processed grains. Such as whole-wheat, sprouted, or sourdough slices of bread.

To know the right bread, check out the ingredients that commonly start with 100% whole-grain or whole-wheat flour; 2-gram fiber per slice, and 3-gram protein per slice. Try to avoid those pieces of bread that contain added sugar, vegetable oils, or refined flour at any cost.

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Detox Water

Drinking detox water will not only help you in weight loss but also will aid you to have healthy radiant skin, boost your energy level, remove unwanted toxins, increase your immune and metabolism level. To get good results, drink detox water early in the morning on an empty stomach. Also, you can drink at night too, by warming the water. As it will help you to keep hydrated all night. You can drink detox water religiously all your life. Don’t use it only for weight loss remedies. It has so many benefits you can’t even imagine!

Detox water like lemon/honey or lemon/ginger juice mixture is a great kick to start. So you can say bye-bye to stubborn belly fat.

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Green Tea

One of the healthiest beverages is green tea regarded by many health experts. Drinking green tea before your workout helps you lose weight. But, keep in mind it’s better to stay away from the sugared-up version of it. You can add a lemon drop for a flavor enhancer and drink at least twice a day to burn your belly fat.

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No matter how hard you are trying to do those thousand crunches or running on cardio and sweating like a coal miner in the gym each day but beyond that, you need to work on your diet. Because remember it’s always 80 percent diet and 20 percent exercise. So better keep an eye on what you eat!

So till then,

Eat Clean, Look Lean!



Saba Qureshi

Hello there, I’m a Junior UI/UX designer. Welcome here! My daily mantra is "To be creative in design profession, you have to get your hands dirty in it."